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Thursday, March 1, 2007


I'll give the Conservapedia article on the Moon credit for these correct statements: "The Moon orbits the Earth. Unlike most planets, Earth has only one moon..."

From there, however, it goes downhill with gems like these:

The Moon presents the same side to Earth at all times...This has an awesome artistic or design effect without any plausible physical reason.


The Moon's surface lacks the abundant iron that permeates the Earth, thereby proving that the Moon did not come from the Earth...There is no plausible non-creation theory of origin for the Moon at this time.


Our solar system is one of the few that has only one sun. Only one sun and only one moon: this uniqueness may reflect the existence of only one God.

Right...never mind that synchronous rotation is a feature common to many satellites in the solar system; or that we do have a plausible theory for lunar origins that explains the lack of iron; or that we don't have anything close to a comprehensive catalog of solar systems in the galaxy, let alone the universe (so claiming our "uniqueness" is premature to say the least).

Nope, we'll just ignore science and turn an article about the moon into some bizarre pro-creationist rant. Remember, before trying to answer questions by pulling things out of your ass, check this site first.

Well, at least Conservapedia got a mention in Wired.

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