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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And one more letter opposing SOPA/PIPA

This time, from one of my fellow graduate students:

Hello Senator Hutchison,

My name is Lindsey Wolf. I am a PhD graduate student in molecular genetics and microbiology at UT Austin. I'm also a teacher, textbook editor, and part time tutor for the UT Longhorns football team.

I'm 28 years old and did not grow up with the internet. I learned to use it in high school, but feel as though I'm on the tail end of the generation that needed to wander my college library's basement looking for a biology journal article instead of simply looking it up online.

That said, our tax dollars (I say our because I'm also a homeowner in Austin and know what that means) for science and education that pay my salary are best spent saving me time. The ease and speed of looking something up on the internet or teaching my students to do so is an invaluable skill.

Please encourage congress to appreciate the value inherent in sharing information. The country and the world need scientists and teachers like myself and we would be greatly impeded if SOPA or PIPA pass.

Thank you for your time,

Lindsey N Wolf
PhD candidate
University of Texas at Austin

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